Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rollerskating and Smelly Feet (WFMAD Day 13)

These are the things my family instructs me to blog about.

(My sister also suggested "the joy of working at MacDonald's", but that's her job, not mine.)

Since the day is basically over and I have yet to come up with anything better, I think I'll just roll with it. (Hehe. Roll. Get it?)

I suck at rollerblading about as much as I suck at ice skating (which makes sense, since they're basically the same thing in different seasons). I'm not too bad, I guess, considering that I can at least stay upright. But God forbid I go rollerblading on pavement that isn't brand-new and 100% smooth. I hit the slightest bump or imperfection, and I go flying.

My dad and sister talked today about going to a rollerblading rink. I really hope I get to go to this because come on, how many bumps or imperfections are going to be on a rink?

(There will probably be a lot just because I'll be there.)

I don't have much to say about smelly feet, other than the fact that I tell my sister that her feet smell a lot when they really don't.

(Oh no, my biggest secret has been revealed! *darts into refrigerator filled with chocolate milk because why not*)

Another random thing to add before I go: I spilt chocolate milk all over myself today. Not even kidding, guys. That's what I get for not putting the lid back on my Milk To Go cup between sips.

(I also got it all over the table and all over my chair at Subway.)

Really, really random blog post tonight, I know.

Until later,

- Justyne

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