Friday, June 27, 2014

First Drafts

When I was younger, there was no such thing as a second draft. I wrote it all out perfectly (or so I thought) the first go around, and skipped straight to the grammar editing shortly after. No revisions. No rewriting. Just one draft--bam, done, on to the next thing.

I don't know if I've just gotten used to the whole NaNo-approach to things, or if I'm finally realizing that it is nearly impossible to get it right on the first try. Either way, one draft just doesn't cut it anymore.

I used to love first drafts. I used to groan and moan throughout editing, and hiss at even the thought of having to re-write the tiniest of paragraphs. But with several less-than-perfect drafts tucked under my belt, I feel like I've definitely warmed up to the idea.

Just recently, I finished the first draft of a novella I've been working on for the past few months or so. Towards the end of it, I realized that my plot--while prominent in the beginning--was now essentially nonexistent. I had no idea what was supposed to happen, what was going to happen, or how I was going to make it to the end. No vague ideas, no plot outline, nothing. I was stumped.

Although I wanted nothing more than to move on, to switch over to some other project (because anything would be better than what I was working on, I was sure), I knew I had to finish. Because this was only the first draft--if I didn't finish it, I wouldn't have anything to work with later. In the past, the idea of having to work around things I had already written was significantly less than ideal, but now? I yearned for it.

Meanwhile, I'm having the opposite problem with my NaNo novel--the first draft of which I finished just before starting this novella. The only thing I'm sure about is the fact that I want to change the story--but instead of not having a clue, I have way too many. Ideas have been bouncing around my head for weeks now, and I'm relieved to be done with the novella, so that I can return to the WIP I've spent well over a year on already.

Rewriting is fun. It's like writing your characters into an alternate universe--it's almost like writing a fanfiction for your own story! (I'm a nerd, bear with me.) A lot of the basics--characters and their personalities, the world, the basic plot of the story--stay the same, so you're not starting entirely from scratch. At the same time, though, you're starting from a clean slate--every plot point, every event, has been erased. Your characters can learn and grow all over again, and you can grow with them.

In other words: I am very, very excited to get back to this story.

Until later,

- Justyne

Friday, June 20, 2014

A Letter to Grads

Dear Graduate,

Make the best of your ceremony.

It may seem boring, or even a little dorky. But I encourage you--I implore you--to take advantage of this day. Celebrate with your friends, celebrate with your families. Take too many pictures and cheer too loud when your friends walk across that stage. You will not regret it.

Some of you will be happy to leave. Some of you will be sad. Some of you will be--and pardon my French--scared shitless. Maybe you'll even be all three.

That is okay.

I know that people always say that high school is the best time of your life. I don't believe that. Some say that high school was only enjoyable for the "popular kids". But...I don't believe that, either.

I wasn't popular, not by a long shot. But high school? I loved it. It was hard, and it was annoying, and I spent countless times ticking down the hours until summer, until graduation, until the day I could move on to something more. It wasn't all fun--in fact it was mostly anything but--but it changed me. At the start of grade nine, I was quiet. I didn't have many friends. I was too afraid to say or do anything that would really draw attention to myself.

Now? Well, now I'm just obnoxious, overly cocky, and use a lot bad sarcasm. But I'm happy, now, with who I am.

High school changes you. Everything that has happened over the past four years--every person you met, every class you took, every word that was ever spoken to you--whether you liked it or not, it all helped shape you into the person you are today. And the person you are today, after 13 long years, has graduated high school. If you don't think that is an accomplishment, I want you to take a step back and reconsider.

Because, dear Graduate, you did a fantastic job. I don't have to have personally met you to tell you that I, along with dozens of others, am proud of you.

It's only been a measly two years since I've graduated, so if you're not inclined to take me too seriously, I understand. There are other older, much wiser people out there, with more experience under their belt. They probably know a whole lot more than I do. If anything, I'm probably just blinded by my young naivety.

But...I think that's kind of a good thing.

You literally have the whole world at your feet right now. It's easy to be overwhelmed with the possibilities. But this is a time in your life when anything can happen--take advantage of that! Follow your interests, your passions, your biggest, craziest dreams! There is nothing holding you back!

And please, more than anything, remember this feeling. Remember this idea that everything is possible, that you can do anything--because you can.

Congratulations, Graduates.

- Justyne

Friday, June 13, 2014


A couple of years ago, I made an account on I started up on there at the recommendation of a friend, and then proceeded to never post anything on it ever. (I think I favourited like one story or something? I don't even know.)

Yesterday, though, I dug it up from the Ashes of Internet Past, dusted it off, and began posting on it.

I have six stories on there currently; five of them are short stories, and the other one is the first seven chapters of The Decagon Project (a novel I've been working on for quite some time now). I'll post more things as I write them--short stories, micro fiction, novel excerpts, etc etc--but until then, you can enjoy and read what I have at your pleasure.

Click here to go to my profile, or click on the link in the header above. :)

Until later,

- Justyne
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