Saturday, September 7, 2013

And now, your Feature Presentation (WFMAD Day 7)

I've always loved movie trailers.

Not sure exactly why, to be honest, but I'd always be secretly disappointed whenever someone skipped over the previews on a DVD or VHS. There was always something exciting about them; "Ooh! A new story to fall in love with!"

Trailers give a brief insight into the story, the characters, the world. They are produced to sell the movie, and as such, the movie is rarely what we expect it to be. (I can't begin to list the number of times a movie was completely different than what I thought it would be.)

In a sense, a movie trailer is its own story. The story contained within them can change, depending on who's watching it. Different interpretations or expectations lead to different tellings of the story.

Sometimes, when I get stuck on a story, I imagine what the movie trailer would be for it (because I'm lame like that). Every trailer needs to be filled with just enough information to get the audience intrigued, but leave out enough to make them actually go see it. Trying to imagine it as a trailer sometimes helps me think of really dramatic / plot-invoking scenes worthy of a movie that I wouldn't have thought of otherwise.

Can you guys tell that I'm running out of things to blog about?

Until later,

- Justyne

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