Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Review: F*ck! I'm In My Twenties by Emma Koenig (BEDS 007)

"This isn't a "how-to" book or a "how-not-to" book, it's more of a "how do I deal with my life without wanting to stab myself in the eyes with icicles?" book." - Emma Koenig, F*ck! I'm in My Twenties

So, funny story, guys. I had a book picked out for this week, but as it turns out, it's like five hundred and a billion pages, and since it is now 9:03 pm, I really don't think I'm going to finish it in time for a review tonight. BUT THE STREAK MUST CONTINUE!

Thus, I present you with this: F*ck! I'm in My Twenties by Emma Koenig, a gift I received on my 22nd birthday and a book that, while short, is extremely accurate. It's one of those books that you flip through a lot while browsing, and giggle at just about every page, but that you can't normally justify buying because it's so short and you already read about 75% of it just standing in front of the shelf.

If that's you, though, don't worry--it's also a blog!

Just about the only thing I've been talking about in the weeks leading up to my birthday (and the days since) is how old I am. Because come on--I'm twenty two. I'm ancient. The best years of my life are behind me, now, and there's no point in moving forward.

(I'm kidding. (Mostly.))

I'll admit, I haven't been in my twenties for very long. But this book brings all the crap that comes with the territory in a hilarious light, through lists and doodles and a variety of venn diagrams. It's definitely a fast read, but one that had me snickering and reading aloud to others the entire time.

And that's...all I have to say on this one, really. (It was short, okay?? All you need to know is that it was good.)

Final rating: 4.5 stars.

Until later,

- Justyne

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