Tuesday, September 6, 2016

School Year Resolutions (BEDS 006)

My reign of terror freedom has ended. Today, my friends, I return to school.

The start of a new school year, as we all know, is full of hope. Beautiful, sometimes naive hope that, "This year will be different!" It's like the start of a new calendar year, but less depressing, because the hope of Christmas is still on the horizon. I find that making resolutions in September makes way more sense than making them in January, actually, because by the time January rolls around, the freshness of the school year has worn off, everything is dead, and literally all anyone wants is to get back to summer, when they don't have a 25 page term paper due and only 24 hours to get it done. 

Hence, my School Year Resolutions.

I'll be frank with you: these mostly stay the same every year, because I suck at resolutions and could really stand to improve pretty much every aspect of my life, academic or otherwise. But I'll still share them with you, anyway, because who knows--this may be the year that they get done.

(Stop laughing.)


1. Stop procrastinating, maybe. Somewhat. Okay, at least start the damn term paper more than just a couple days early.
2. Keep regular blog posts going throughout the school year. This includes book reviews.
3. Try and finish NaNoWriMo. Without crying.
4. Keep my room (relatively) clean, so that you're not prompted to go rage-cleaning the day before your exam. (Instead of studying.)
5. Stop zoning out during my lectures. This is very important.
6. Maybe talk to people at school for a change. I don't know, something to think about.
7. Take better notes, so I can actually understand what I wrote down three months from now. (Also: saying, "I'll definitely remember what this means" does not, in fact, make it true.)
8. Consider studying for exams earlier, so that I'm not tempted to sneak a peek at my notes at work. (Not like I've done this or anything.)
9. Stop spending so much money on food.
10. Just try to survive the school year relatively unscathed.

So how many of you are going to school, and what are your school year resolutions? Comment below and let me know!

Until later,

- Justyne

1 comment:

  1. 1) reschedule giit crunk day
    2) actually read assigned text book readings
    3)study for exams not just the day before
    4)try to learn notes mostly through real proven studying techniques rather than through napping and osmosis
    5)giit crunk on schedule


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