Saturday, September 13, 2014

Letters to Myself - 14 (BEDS #13)

Dear 14-year-old self,

This is a hard time for you. You might not notice it now, because you're probably too busy focusing your attention on your homework, and your writing, and those books that you insist on reading so quickly. (Speaking of which, slow down a big, would ya? I feel like I've read half of the library's collection but have no memory of any of it.)

You're probably feeling a little lonely right now. That's fine. There are some pretty cool people waiting for you in your English class. Go on, talk to them. And if you're not ready yet, then that's fine, too. Pretty soon you won't have a choice.

Don't be afraid to speak up. Like, ever. If you want to ask about that foreign exchange program, you ASK about it. If you want to try out dance, you LOOK INTO IT. I'll just be repeating myself later, I know, but if I had just learnt this crap sooner I'm sure I'd have an easier time with it now.

Don't be ashamed of your interests. I'm gonna say that again, because it is so so so important: NEVER BE ASHAMED OF YOUR INTERESTS. When that one random guy asks you if you're looking at Sailor Moon pictures on the internet, you turn around and tell him yes. Yes, you are looking at Sailor Moon pictures, because Sailor Moon is your favourite show. It's okay. You'll never see him again, so it's not like it'll matter.

You will go to a grand total of one dance during high school. One. But y'know what? It was fun. Try and go to more. Maybe if you buy tickets, they won't actually get cancelled.

And finally: although I wouldn't normally prevent you from doing something, I feel like I should warn you to be careful with what you post on the internet. Not for safety, but for the mere fact that in 6 or so years, you will look back and cringe at every. Single. Word.

So please. For my sake.


- 20-year-old Justyne

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