Friday, August 9, 2013

Drive-Ins and Curvy Roads

I love road trips. I love long car rides, blasting the radio (preferably country music or Disney soundtracks), and riding with the window rolled down. Most of all, though, I love the sense of adventure. Even if you know exactly where you're going, or if you've taken the same trip a million times before, I still feel like heading out onto the highway is like heading out on some big adventure.

Or maybe that's just me.

Anyway, the reason I'm talking about this is because I just got back from  my camping trip a few hours ago. (Yes, another camping trip.) Unlike the one I went on a couple weeks ago, though, this one was a good 4-5 hour drive away.

You know what that means.

(If you don' the first line of this post.)

I had another fantastic four days with friends, and it was another nice refresher. (Not that I needed another real refresher, since it's only been about two weeks since my last refresher, but I digress.) We slid down water slides, visited a drive-in movie theatre, saw a couple shooting stars (my first two ever, I might add), and followed a random, curvy gravel road that led absolutely nowhere but was fun to follow anyway.

Which leads me back to my love of road trips.

Someday I just want to hop in a car, packed with essentials, and just drive. Drive all over the country, all over the continent. Visit big cities, small towns, and everything in between. Visit national landmarks and stupid road-side attractions. I want to go on an adventure, and write about it on the way.

I think, out of all of my dreams and goals and ambitions, this is the one I want to do the most. I think this would be the best adventure; the best way to write. One of the things I love most about writing is that you can do it virtually anywhere--at home, on your bed; during class, when you're not paying attention (which I totally didn't ever do ever...ahem); at work, when you're on break; on a plane, on a boat, on a train. Or in a car, in some small town nobody's heard of, inspired by the change of scenery and the brand new people you meet there.

I just think that's awesome.

The only real thing that's stopping me, I suppose, is my lack of funds. And car. And, y'know, driver's license. (Not like that's important or anything...) But I'm sure I'll have all of these things one day.


Until later,

- Justyne

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