Friday, August 5, 2016

Story Revivals

I am not going to talk about the new Harry Potter book, for two reasons.

Reason #1: I never really read the Harry Potter books growing up.

Reason #2: When I tried to read the Harry Potter books, I discovered that I didn't actually like it very much. (Which, for my generation, is an apparent crime agianst books. And yet, here we are.)

All the excitement and build-up to the actual release (which, at the time of writing this, was just last night at midnight) has got me thinking, though, about all the recent revivals of classic, beloved franchises that we've seen in recent years. We got a new Star Wars movie back in December, a new Ghostbusters movie just this past month. Finding Dory came out after thirteen years of Ellen Degeneres begging for a sequel. Everyone--everyone--is playing Pokemon GO. The third season of the Sailor Moon remake just wrapped up a couple months ago.

And now, an eigth Harry Potter book, after nine years of publication silence.

Regardless of what it is, I love--love--franchise revivals. I know there are lots of cynics out there who grumble and moan, about how nothing these days is original, how the sequel ruins everything, how a remake is unnecessary and just proves that Hollywood will do anything for a money grab.

To all those Negative Nellies, I have only four words--shut the hell up.

The excitement on the internet this week is palpable. All the fans that grew up with Harry Potter, that have treasured the series in childhood, are bouncing off the walls at the prospect of an eighth book finally coming out. I am not a part of this fandom, but even as an outsider I can see how important this is. Everyone my age gets hit with a wave of nostalgia, as they get to live through this experience that they've only known from a child's perspective.

Not only that, but now the new generation of fans, who were introduced to the series long after it's original publication run finished, get to live through the excitement for the first time. They get to discover what a Harry Potter midnight release is like, they get to live in the excitement of a new book for the first time.

It's an incredible feeling, and no one has the right to deny anyone that excitement. Stories like Harry Potter are able to survive for so long because they matter to people. They make a difference to us, the readers, and can continue to have an influence on us for the rest of our lives.

Stories matter. And the reality of seeing our old favourites renewed in any form doesn't just revitalize our love for a story, or make it relevant in mainstream media again--it revitalizes a community and brings it together.

I don't know. I just thing revivals are pretty damn great.

Until later,

- Justyne

1 comment:

  1. PREACH. Also I did find it odd that the new book is technically just a play script. Still neat though.


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