Monday, July 14, 2014

Micro-Fiction Monday is a GO!

Remember Snippet Sunday? Remember how that kind of fizzled out into nothing?

Well, say hello to a new weekly challenge!

Starting today, every Monday I'll post a piece of micro fiction (or flash fiction). For those of you who don't know, micro fiction is basically a very very short story, with a word count clocking in at 300 words or less. To give myself a bit of a challenge, I'll roll my inspiration dice and create a piece of flash fiction based on the prompt.

I hope you enjoy!


Genre: Children's
Character: Hero (willing)
Motivation: to become

His mother could always tell. The way his eyes lit up at bedtime, she could tell that’s when his world opened up. The way his eyes stayed glued to the page, even though the both know that he couldn’t read. Even though it was supposed to make him sleepy, it did quite the opposite—she caught him staying up late, more than once, a flashlight turned on under his bed covers as his tiny little fingers traced over the words his mind couldn’t quite grab onto yet.

She could tell from the way he grasped the sticks he found in the yard, even though she had scolded him more than once for playing with them. The way he swung with confidence and jumped and yelled and shouted. The way he “saved” his little sister from their pet dog, even though she had little interest in being rescued.

His mother could tell because he was never scared of the monsters hiding in the closet. She could tell because, every October, he pulled out that same old wooden sword. She could tell because of the dragons and demons that he battled bravely in the backyard, every day. They were invisible to her eyes, but he knew they were real.

She could always tell that he was a hero. Her very own little hero.


Until later,

- Justyne

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