Saturday, February 22, 2014

50 Book Pledge

Today, I'm going to tell you all about a nifty little website I discovered last year:

When I was younger, I used to read a lot. (But of course, you already knew that.) As I grew up, though, I sort of...stopped.

Okay, I didn't stop entirely. But I definitely started reading less. In all of 2013, I read a total of 12 books--and that's counting one I read for my English class, and a barely-100-page comic book.

Considering I used to read the same amount in a month, this was pretty embarrassing. What makes it even worse is that I had planned to read 50 books that year. Which brings me back to the website.

Basically, the idea is that you set a reading goal, or a pledge, for how many books you're going to read that year. The average goal is 50, but you can change it to 25, 75, 100, or even more if you're feeling super ambitious. The idea is that, each time you read a book, you log on and record it onto your "read" shelf. It helps you keep track of all the books you've read, gives you neat little badges whenever you reach a landmark (like "First Book Read" and "Ten Books Read"), and is basically the thing that counts your books and lets you know when you've reached 50 (or whatever your goal for the year was).

You also get a "To Be Read" shelf, that you can add whatever books you want onto it and then move them over to your "Read" shelf once you're finished with them. (My TBR shelf had 30+ books on it, last time I checked.)

I first signed up last year and failed miserably. This year is a looking a lot better, though, as we're nearing the end of February and I've already read 10 books. Go, me!

If you love reading, but feel like you haven't really had time for it lately, I would suggest giving this website a go. Now I find that the thing I look forward to the most is adding books to my "Read" shelf. It gives me a sense of accomplishment.

If you want to see what kind of books I'm reading, you can check out my profile here.

What books are on YOUR TBR shelf? Let me know in the comments!

Until later,

- Justyne

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