Friday, November 29, 2013

Because I'm Awake, That's Why (NaNoWriMo, the Final Days)

Yes, it's after one in the morning. Yes, I'm still up. (No, I wasn't writing. Because clearly that would make a lot of sense, wouldn't it.)

I've spent the past few days obsessively updating my word count on (but really, when am I not doing that?) and obsessively comparing my current word count with my word count for past novels, on the same date.

What can I say? I'm curious!

Anyway, I am happy to say that, while my writing may have been completely and totally sporadic this past month, I have somehow managed to pull ahead of my 2012 self. I am currently farther in my novel than I was at this time a year ago.

Not by much, but still.

I think, above everything else, that this is true inspiration. Why? Because now, with three (okay, two) days left of NaNoWriMo, I am further in my story than I was on the final day of NaNo last year.

WHICH MEANS, fellow wrimos (and non-wrimos, I'm not excluding you), that I have no excuse. I will win NaNoWriMo 2013.

I'm not saying that I had doubts...okay yeah, that is what I'm saying. But have you seen my stats? Last year, I wrote every single day--even if that day only brought about 100 words. This year, I would spend four days writing 3k+ words per day, and then refuse to write for another five.

What did I say? Sporadic.

Anyways, I should sleep. I managed to survive the rest of NaNo without becoming sleep deprived--I'm not about to start now.

Until later,

- Justyne

(P.S. I hear footsteps upstairs. Either my dad is still awake or I will go upstairs to find my entire family murdered.)

(P.P.S. Why do I get so hungry at 1 AM? It's not fair.)

(P.P.P.S. This entire blog post is why I'm not allowed to stay up late.)

Daytime update: Upon further investigation upstairs, no one was awake, and everyone was alive. So I guess my house is just haunted.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it, Justyne! With #WriteClub tonight and the #SprintParty tomorrow, the words will be coming out of our ears! Two more days to pull out all the stops. One way or another, we're going into December proud of ourselves :D


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