Friday, April 17, 2015


So my dear buttface of a friend stole a tag post from Tumblr, and then tagged me to answer the questions.

Like I said, she's a buttface.

So today, instead of my usual blog post, I'll be answering the following questions:

1. Of all of the original characters you have written, do you have a favorite?

OH GOD. Honestly, I don't think I do. I love all of my characters for different reasons.

I will give a special shoutout to Dani, though, from The Decagon Project. She's super sassy and fun to write!

2. Is there a ship/show for whom/which you are interested in writing yet are intimidated to try?

To be honest, I've had an idea for a Legend of Korra fanfiction floating around my head for a couple years now. I'm not sure if I'll ever write it, though--not because I'm intimidated, but because I have about a ZILLION other projects going on, already!

3.  Have you ever written a chapter/scene that made you cry? Which one(s)?

There may have been a certain scene about 2/3 of the way through a certain NaNoWriMo project that, while I didn't cry, definitely caused me a lot of pain. I had to take a step back and stop writing for a few minutes because it hurt SO MUCH.

4. Which of your stories would you most like to see made into a movie?

Honestly I think the one I'd like to see MOST turn into a movie is Reincarnation--which will never happen because it's a fan comic, based off of the Legend of Zelda franchise.

Aside from that, The Decagon Project would be pretty cool!

5. Is there a character you find particularly difficult to write? Which one? On the flip-side, which character flows most easily for you when writing?

I've been having a bit of difficulty nailing the protagonist from my current WIP, although I think I may have figured it out now. It's just a matter of finding her motivation. As for the easiest, I'm going back to Dani on that. (Also all of my Reincarnation characters, because I've been working with them and thinking about them for upwards of five years now.)

6. Are there writers from other fandoms whom you admire? If so, whom?

TO BE COMPLETELY HONEST I actually don't read a lot of fanfiction anymore, so the answer to that would be no.

7. Do you have a favorite story among your body of work?

Reincarnation is probably my favourite, which is ironic because it's the one I physically work on the least. Aside from that, The Decagon Project is a close second, but it's also the hardest!

8. Do you have a story that consistently challenges you? (or has challenged you in the past?)

Like I just mentioned literally five seconds ago, The Decagon Project has been SUPER hard to write, just because it's so long and there are so many characters and plot points to keep track of. Others are How to Be Izzy, the manuscript I'm currently dedicating all of my time and effort into, and The Neutral, a past NaNoWriMo project. These two stories are the first ones I've worked on in which I didn't have the story completely nailed down from the get-go, so now it's a matter of figuring out how to get from Point A to Point Z.

9. Have any of your multi-chaptered fics grown out of prompts submitted on tumblr? Do you enjoy receiving prompts, anonymous or otherwise?

I think the closest would be the time that my aforementioned buttface dared me to write a love decagon. At first, I was just going to do a joke story, but decided to actually try and write a serious story out of it. Now my brain hurts.

10. Do you have an idea for a story that intrigues you but haven’t been able to piece together? What would it take to inspire you to actually write it?

A story that involves time travel. TIME TRAVEL IS SO COMPLICATED. I think the only thing that would inspire me to write it is NaNoWriMo, so I'd be forced to get it all down. (And honestly, that's exactly what I'm planning to do come November this year.)

11. Have you ever created alternate versions of your own stories? Are there any you are tempted to write?

I actually have. I have an idea for a sequel of a certain story that incorporates an alternate universe into the mix...and, to be honest, I think I'm more excited to write that one than I am to finish the current one WHOOPS.

12. Do you sneak personal references into any of your stories? Would you care to share some examples?

I haven't done it already, but I definitely would like to!

Until later,

- Justyne

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