Saturday, December 28, 2013

I Forgot to Sleep

Okay, so this is only half true. I slept. I just forgot to go to bed until, like, 4 am. (Which is why I ended up not blogging yesterday.) In truth, this has been happening a lot lately.

I did have a pretty good sleep schedule, at one point. Go to bed at 12:30. Get up at 8:30. Slyly refuse questions as to why I get up so early when I never work until 4 in the afternoon. Watch Live! with Kelly and Michael (and get frustrated when I can't answer the trivia question for Holiday Escape Travel Trivia, despite the fact that I am not actually in the running to win the trip to Florida or whatever the wheel happened to land on). Pretend to write when I'm actually not (but shh don't tell anyone). Work. Come home and try to decide what slightly useless but incredibly fun activity I should do before bed, only to spend 2-3 hours bumming around on my phone, thus wasting the opportunity to do something slightly useless and incredibly fun and get slightly frustrated at myself for that.

And that in a nutshell is my life. Woo hoo.

What was I talking about? Right, sleeping. Sleeping is great. Too bad I forget to do it.

My dad left the front door open because he has clearly forgotten that this is Manitoba in the dead of winter and we as a species cannot survive if we leave the door open all willy nilly. (He claims that he was taking out the garbage but I think he could have at least tried to close the door.)

This was going to be a more informative blog post but it just sort of turned into me rambling. Such is my life. (I blame the sleep deprivation from last night.)

Until later,

- Justyne

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