Friday, April 12, 2013

How to Make a Blog Post

Step 1: Realize it's Friday, and that you have to write a blog post today.

Step 2: Proceed to forget that it's Friday about 50 million times throughout the day.

Step 3: Finally sit down to write the blog post.

Step 4: Go through several crap-tacular topics, rewriting the beginning multiple times until you finally settle on one that you like.

Step 5: Write it.

Step 6: Realize it's actually quite short.

Step 7: Decide you don't care because it's exam week and your brain is mush anyways.

Step 8: Reread several times for spelling and grammar, even though you know that no matter what you do, you'll still read this in a week and spot changes you want to make, anyway.

Step 9: Come up with clever yet somewhat useless tags / labels for the post.

Step 10: Click the bright orange "Publish" button that you somehow manage to misplace every freaking time you blog.

Step 11: Spam pretty much every social media account you possess with links to your new blog post.

Step 12: Spend the next day obsessively refreshing your Blogger dash because watching your view count go up is cool.

Betcha thought this was going to be a helpful post! HA! I sure got you.

So yes, I am in the middle of exams...and my brain is mush as a result. Normally I try to blog based on what I've been thinking about and what's going on in my life, writing wise. But, well, when you're rushing to study / finish assignments because you spent three days watching a 25-episode anime (I knew I would deeply regret this later, but that didn't stop me) and just generally put everything off as long as possible, don't really have much time to think. (Unless you're thinking about Buddhist values and wondering why the hell you can never remember the names of the poems that Dylan Thomas wrote. Those are the topics that have most frequently been on my mind as of late. My brain is a party, I know.)

Stay tuned for next week, when I'll be blogging from the Charlottetown airport. The semester is just about over, AND I AM GOING HOME.

Until then,

- Justyne

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