Monday, October 10, 2016

Micro Fiction Monday: Dot, Dot, Dot

Sometimes, in cartoons, the artist likes to use an ellipsis to portray an awkward encounter. You know, that little “dot, dot, dot” thing? Cartoonists will leave it hanging in the middle of a panel, with no speech bubble or narration box or anything. It emphasizes the silence—it makes it louder, more awkward or tense, et cetera.

If my life were a cartoon—which, sometimes, I swear it is, because it is just so ridiculous—there would be one big, fat ellipsis staring me in the face right now. Like, I can practically see it. In my entire life, I don’t think I’ve ever encountered such an awkward silence in my life.

And all I said was, “Hi.”

Okay, back up. How do I explain this as briefly and as clearly as possible? Long story short: I had a best friend. Once. Past tense. But we were pretty good—I dare say amazing, together. We had the telepathy thing going on, the whole shebang. You wanted gross fast food at 2:30 in the morning? You had someone to drive you there, without question.

And then I, the genius I am, decided to move away. I chose a different school a million miles away, and suddenly, that was that. No more telepathy. No more late night take out. No more 3 AM emergency phone calls.


I’ve long since acknowledged that what happened was my fault. I picked the school over him. I chose studying over him. I chose my new friends over him. And eventually, I became his second choice, too.

Fast forward to now—I’m a college graduate. I’m back in my hometown, if only for the summer. And there he is—four years older, but still just the same.

He says hi.

I say hi.




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