Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Benefits of Having Creative Friends

So here's the thing: I'm kind of a hermit. Not kind of--I'm a very big hermit. I spend a huge chunk of my time in my room. Not even Pokemon Go can save me, because the majority of the Pokemon I've caught have been from either the comfort of my own home, or from my workplace while on break. Part of this is because I'm an extremely antisocial individual, and would much rather interact with fictional people than real ones.

The other, larger part, though, is because I'm always trying to get some writing done. (Keyword: trying. If I spent all of my antisocial time actually writing, I'd have like ten novels published and a movie franchise in the works by now.)

Writing is hard for the same reason doing homework is hard--I get distracted very, very easily when I'm first starting. Once I get in the groove, I'm good to go--it's getting into the groove that's the hard part. This is why I never try to write around friends, family, or pretty much anyone else that I know; I'm me, so I'll start talking, and then I'll never, ever stop. (I'm sure there are several people who can vouch the validity of this statement.)

I've heard time and time again that it's good to find people you can work around--that is, people with whom you can be productive while in their company. I've yet to find such magical unicorns in terms of my writing because, as mentioned previously, I never stop talking. (Ever.) So when I need to get some writing done, or finish up my term paper, or cram for an exam, I need to separate myself from everybody in order to reach the level of productivity I want.

For whatever reason, though, I've recently discovered that I don't have nearly the same trouble with drawing. I've been drawing on and off for, oh, about seven years now. (You wouldn't know, because in recent years I stopped putting aside as much time to do it. But I digress.)

Here's the thing with drawing: I don't need to concentrate on it. I mean to an extent, I guess, I do--but the level of concentration required to draw a straight line is much, much lower than that needed to construct a paragraph. I can talk and laugh with the person sitting beside me. I can listen to music and sing along. I can leave Netflix on autoplay and draw to my heart's desire, while still binge watching whatever show I'm currently hooked on. The door can stay open, and my work won't suffer as a result.

In the last couple weeks, I've drawn more than I have in, like...a year and a half. I think this is mostly due to the influx of sudden creativity I've found myself surrounded by; whether it's my roommate on a painting binge, or the company of a long-time internet friend, they've suddenly inspired me to throw my head back into my sketchbook and put my rusty skills (or lack thereof) to use.

I eagerly await the day that I meet a good writing buddy, who will inspire me in similar ways and get me to shut up and work. Until then, though, I'll take what I can get.

Do you have a friend (or several) who you can be very productive with? Let me know in the comments!

Until later,

- Justyne

1 comment:

  1. Yay I was mentioned~
    Sometimes Katt can get me to be productive on my writing. BUT it has to be quiet and she has to be writing too.


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