Monday, February 23, 2015

Micro Fiction Monday: Code Yellow

Every Monday, I post a piece of flash fiction--a story clocking in at around 300 words. Each story can also be found on my deviantART page. Enjoy!


“Code yellow! Code yellow!”

I dashed through the kitchen in my mismatched socks, feet slipping and sliding across the kitchen floor. I grabbed the door frame to pull myself to a stop and poked my head into the living room, my comb still stuck halfway through my knotted head.

“Citron or sunlight?” I asked breathlessly.

“Citron,” my roommate confirmed, hands pressed to the glass as she stared down into the park below.

“Ooh, I love citron!” I winced slightly as I pulled the comb through the last of my tangled hair, crossing the room quickly and climbing up onto the window seat beside my friend. I squinted into the crowd of people below, of students and early morning commuters and dog walkers that were up and out far earlier than I would ever be. And there, coming around the corner across the street at a steady pace, was Code Citron.

He was shirtless, now that the weather was finally warming up. I could barely see the faint outline of his earbuds, the cord bouncing in rhythm with his pace. His slightly too long hair bounced up and down, making me want to brush it out of his face, just for an excuse to run my fingers through it. His hair was blond, and I wondered—not for the first time—what colour his eyes were.

All too soon, he turned into the shaded park across the street, disappearing from our view into the clump of other early morning joggers. As soon as he was gone, we both sighed. This was the only perk to living on the 14th floor.


The problem with people-watching—especially when it’s a really cute guy—is that you quickly lose track of time daydreaming and fantasizing about your “accidental” first encounter. This is why I took the stairs when the jerk from 14C wouldn’t hold the elevator, almost tumbling down the steps more than once. This is why I made a mad dash through the middle of the street, ignoring the blaring of car horns, hoping to cut across the park and save some time on my way to work. This is why I was checking my phone, nervously estimating how long it would take me to get to my destination.

This is why I collided with someone on my way into the park.

“Sorry!” a male voice proclaimed, as I rubbed the nose that had collided into his chest. “Didn’t see you there.”

I looked up, about to say something, but my vocabulary was wiped blank as soon as I saw who it was. Blond hair, shirtless, and what I now knew was a pair of sparkling grey eyes that held me locked into place.

No amount of daydreaming could have prepared me for this.


Until later,

- Justyne

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