Friday, January 16, 2015


I am undeniably the worst decision maker ever.

I am the kind of person who should never, in any circumstance, be placed in charge of deciding where we should go to eat, or what movie we should see at the theater. I am the kind of person who stares at the shelves in the cereal aisle for far longer than is actually necessary, trying to pick a brand. I am the kind of person who spends more time picking a title on Netflix than actually watching it.

I can't even make a firm decision on my favourite books; what does that tell you?

There's a very big, very life-changing decision that I've been trying to make in recent months--so obviously, you see my dilemma. But now, finally, I think I may have made the final decision--the method I used, however, was probably a little...unorthodox.

I heard a saying, once, that any hard decision should be made using a coin. Normally this is something used for more trivial decisions, like who's going to get stuck doing the dishes, or whether I should wear the purple top or the blue. Using it for a bigger, more life-altering decision seems a bit...well, silly.

But the goal is not, as you would think, to allow the coin to make the decision for you. The idea is that during that brief nanosecond, when the coin and all of its possibilities are floating in the air...that's when you make the decision. Because when the coin lands and you see your result, you'll feel either a sense of excitement or a sense of heart crushing disappointment.

I flipped my coin. I got heads. And with it, I may have my answer.

You'll just have to wait and see.

Until later,

- Justyne

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