Saturday, March 22, 2014

Adventures in Waiting (Random Story Time!)

I have learned only one thing this past week: I am a very, very impatient person.

Over the past several weeks / months, Jimmy (my precious laptop) has started blue-screening on me. So, last week, I logged onto the Dell website and ordered myself a brand new desktop computer.

Fast forward to Monday; I got a call from Purolator, saying that I was to receive a package from Dell Canada on March 19th (Wednesday). I was so excited, it was almost ridiculous. I'm talking jumping up and down and bouncing off the walls excited. (More so than usual, anyway.) I spent all day Wednesday waiting for the truck, and, when it was late, a good chunk of Thursday doing the same thing. When I saw the truck pull up, I opened the door before the delivery guy even made it up the front steps.

Never in my life has waiting for something been so difficult.

The only problem was, the package that I thought contained my new computer only contained the monitor. So now, I have a monitor sitting on my desk with nothing to plug it into, while I wait for the actual physical computer to ship. (I'm pretty sure it hasn't even hit the truck yet, since my credit card has yet to be charged for it.)

I think it's safe to say that this was probably the biggest disappointment of my entire life. My dad laughed at me when I told him about it. (He was clearly more amused by the situation than I was.)

READER PARTICIPATION TIME! What's the longest you've ever waited for something, what was it, and were you struggling as much as I was to be patient? Comment below!

Until later,

- Justyne

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Brent and I got married on the 8 year anniversary of our first date. That was a long 8 year wait and I was sometimes patient and sometimes not. One week for a computer is nothing!


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