Wednesday, September 4, 2013

That Time of Year (WFMAD Day 4)

That's right, folks. My birthday has passed, which means....'s time to start counting down the days until Christmas! :D

(For those of you who don't already know, I love Christmas. Like a lot.)

It's also, however, the beginning of the school year.

For many of my friends, school has already started, and for my sisters, it begins tomorrow; which means that summer, as we know it, is over. I've always loved summer, but I've never been quite so sad to see it end before.

Okay, I'll be honest for a minute: after hearing about everybody heading back to school, and starting a fresh new academic year, I do feel a little bit left out of the excitement. I enjoyed the year I spent at UPEI--I loved the school, the city, the people I met. Even though English class was the bane of my existence, I did thoroughly enjoy most of my other classes. And if there were enough of those classes for me to take, I'd go back in a heartbeat.

But that's the whole reason I took a year off, now, isn't it? There wasn't any program offered by that school that I felt interested in enough to take full time for four years, or make a career out of. I was spending my time on something that I didn't like and wanted almost nothing to do with.

It's one of those "absence makes the heart grow fonder" things, I think. I know that if I went back, I'd be happy and excited for a total of five minutes before reality sets in and I'm stuck with five hours worth of homework every night. I'd be slightly annoyed with myself for going back, and I know that, which is why I decided to stay home this year.

I don't regret this decision, nor do I regret the year I spent at UPEI (regardless of how much I may have hated English class). I'm happy with where I am now, how I got here, and what I'm working towards this year.

So good luck to my friends beginning the school year! Whatever school you're attending, whatever grade you're in, I hope that you manage to keep your locker clean, your notes neat, and your homework finished before 2 am.

Until later,

- Justyne

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