Friday, March 29, 2013

Breaking Through

After posting my little bonus entry on Sunday (which you can read here, in case you missed it), I feel as though I've really broken through the slump I've been in for the past few years. I've been writing way more than usual (and paying less attention in class, as a result, but the semester's almost over anyway), and I just feel....


That bonus post--which I essentially copied directly from my own personal journal--has brought my humble little blog more views than my other four posts combined (I think). Which is pretty incredible. And I'd like to thank every person who took the time to read it.

While my blog overall does not have that many views--only about 230--the fact that I was able to write something that so many people could relate to and made people want to share with others is just incredible. That's always been what I've wanted; to write things that others can relate to and understand on a personal level.

If you haven't already accomplished this, let me tell you: it's the best feeling in the world.

The only problem is that I'm pretty sure that every post I write after that one is going to be...well, kinda sucky in comparison. And I'm sorry for that. Even now I'm struggling to find something to say. It feels like I've already said it all--or at least the most important thing I could say.

But while I may not be saying much here, and this post is not quite as long as past ones, I am most definitely saying more elsewhere. Through other mediums, other stories, other points of view. Which is what I want.

So I apologize if this post pales in comparison to my last one--which I'm expecting it will. I'm still wangin' this whole blogging thing.

But thanks for reading, anyway.

Until later,

- Justyne

1 comment:

  1. Girl, all of your posts are awesome--and I don't mean that in a generalistic, vague kinda way. I mean it sincerely, and that you shouldn't concern yourself about comparing entries in regards to their view count. I geniunely liked this entry as it gave a happy closure to the problems you posted about earlier. And not to sound creepy or anything, but I've seen you writing *a lot* more now and after reading this entry I can see such a positive outcome has come out of it. :)


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