Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Simple Things (BEDS 008)

I like a lot of things. And when I really, really like something, I get very, very passionate about it. When I get passionate, I get excited, and when I get excited, I get loud. And when I get loud, gets really hard to shut me up.

But there are some things I love a lot that I'm very quiet about. These things are simple, small, everyday things that I don't really think about, until I see them and think, Holy CRAP I love this so much!

These things include, but are not limited to:

1. The light of a Christmas tree in a dark room.

2. The satisfaction of having perfectly wrapped a gift.

3. A blue, cloudless sky.

4. The first snowfall of the year, and all the magic it brings.

5. The satisfaction of singing "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan. (Especially when you imitate all the different voices.)

6. Cheesecake. Just cheesecake.

7. Spinning around the room in a brand new dress, because screw all of you I'll be a princess if I want.

8. Singing in the shower (but only when no one is home, because I'm not very good).

9. The feeling of wearing brand new clothes for the first time.

10. When you look in the mirror partway through the day and your hair is on freaking point.

11. The wear and tear on a favourite book.

12. When you accidentally draw a perfectly straight line.

13. When the pages of a book absorb your very consciousness and you just can't put it down.

14. When the day ends and you can't help but feel proud because of all you accomplished.

15. A really good, really long hug.

16. The smell of a new (or old) book.

17. When you find the literal perfect song for how you're currently feeling.

18. Blizzards and/or thunderstorms.

19. Blankets and hot chocolate.

20. Pumpkin. Pumpkin everything.

What are some of your favourite things?

Until later,

- Justyne

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