Friday, January 23, 2015

Beautiful Books

(I don't care what y'all think--you can never talk about books too much. Never.)

About a year or so ago, I did the unthinkable--I created a Pinterest account.

If you have a Pinterest account, you probably get the emphasis behind the words Pinterest account. If not, well...don't get one. Seriously. Look at me. Do not get one. Your productivity and general competence at being a human being will go right down the drain, never to be seen again.

But while your future may be salvageable, my fate has already been sealed. I created my account. I have several boards on the website dedicated to several different things, from home decor to writing to Christmas treats that I will probably never get around to making ever.

My favourite board of all, though, is my books board. Because not only do books provide hours and hours of quality entertainment for little (or even nothing, thanks to the great invention that is the library), but guess what: they're also BEAUTIFUL.

(This would be the part of the blog post where I include pictures. But it's like 11 pm and I'm warm and toasty in my bed so I really can't be bothered.)

Who would've known that a stack of paper, bound together by a spine and two covers, could look so pretty? Who would've known that a complex story that keeps you entertained for days on end could double as freaking HOME DECOR? It's a wonderful thing. Shelves packed to the brim, random stacks scattered around the floor and covering every surface matter how you store them, no matter how you display them, they still look beautiful.

I've always had a deep love for physical books, but that love was recently renewed after reading an ebook. I haven't read many, at all. The only reason I read one now was because I recently got a library card (!!) that allows me to download free ebooks for certain periods of time. When a book I intended to read wasn't available as a hard copy, I just downloaded the ebook.

Something I learned about myself: I don't enjoy reading ebooks.

I'm not even sure how to describe it, really. It wasn't as satisfying; I couldn't turn the page, or flip through the pages quickly to get a sense of how much of the story was left. I couldn't accidentally spoil myself, or smell the pages (too weird?), or hug the floppy paperback to my chest in adoration when I was finished. (Not that this was a book worthy of such an honour, of course, but can you imagine reading a Stephanie Perkins novel and not hugging it afterwards? NONSENSE.)

I never intend to buy an ereader. While I do love the idea of having my entire bookshelf tucked away in my bag, and it would most definitely make travelling a lot more convenient (no more ongoing debates of which book to bring! No more trying to shove three different books into my already-exploding suitcase! Oh, what a world that would be), ebooks just seem less...personal to me.

Plus, what would I do without a packed bookshelf full of books to stare at? Home decor, people!

Do you prefer reading physical books or ebooks? Comment below with your answer! (Participation is required. Okay, not really. But it is most definitely appreciated!)

Until later,

- Justyne

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